What will you say “Yes!” to in 2014?

come alive 2 (600x450)

My goal for 2014 is to say “Yes!” as often as possible to the things that make me come alive and to see what happens . . .

Stopping my car in route to somewhere and taking this photo is one small example of saying “Yes!”

What are your thoughts for the New Year?ย  What will you say “Yes!” to?

5 thoughts on “What will you say “Yes!” to in 2014?

  1. I like it. I don’t think I do that enough….when we are in survival mode for so long I think we must retrain ourselves how to enjoy life again. What will I say yes to? I like the idea of photos. Before I got really sick I used to love photography, I have a beautiful Canon camera in my closer that has never been used.
    I would like to charge the battery and start looking at the world around me with a photographer’s eye again and appreciate beauty.


  2. Just wanted to come by and thank you for all the kind words and support this past year. I’ve really appreciated it. I hope your 2014 is full of healing, joy and things that make you want to stop the car!


    • You are very welcome!. It can be really hard for people who haven’t had Lyme to really understand what it is like so we have to stick together. I have appreciated your support over the year as well. ๐Ÿ™‚ Best wishes to you and ‘B”. I hope the new year is full of healing and finds B healthier and stronger.


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