I must have flowers

I must have flowers, always and always.  ~ Claude Monet

With four warm days in a row this week, the snow began to recede like a high moon-tide pulling back from the land.  And with that wave of warmth comes thoughts of spring; thoughts of the flowers that will begin to bloom bringing a welcome splash of color and the sweetness of new life after months of darkness and cold.  My soul is hungry for colors, the scents of spring and the first day when I can push my fingers into the soil to tend to my gardens.

For now, I have pots of hyacinth and mini-daffodils on the windowsill to carry me through the next few cold weeks while the soil is bare and brown, the grass mashed down from the snow and the tree branches are still naked.  Through the kitchen window I can see the shadows of leaves beginning to grow on the kale I tucked away in cold storage under opaque plastic hoop houses last fall. As they emerge from beneath winter’s blanket of snow I know I will soon be eating the fresh sweet greens of early spring.  And happy day! The first of my daffodil bulbs, those that grow in the shelter of the foundation of our house have popped up bringing the message that warmer weather really is right around the corner.   Spring, my arms are open wide and ready to greet you.

Below are some photos from springs past. What are you anticipating as the seasons change?

Look what I found!  The first daffodils along the foundation.   I wonder how many days before the first bud pops open?

Look what I found! The first daffodils along the foundation. I wonder how many days before the first bud pops open?

I usually pot up some pansies the first weekend in April.  What color should I plant this year?

I usually pot up some pansies the first weekend in April. What color should I plant this year?

Tiny violet seeds propel themselves across the soil and provide a warm sea of purple in the spring.

Tiny violet seeds propel themselves across the soil and provide a warm sea of purple in the spring.

Can you smell how sweet scent of  apple blossoms after the rain?

Can you smell the sweet scent of apple blossoms after the rain?

Oh, a sea of dames rocket softly scents the evening air.

Oh, a sea of dames rocket softly scents the evening air.  Heavenly!

Purple petunia, white nicotiana & orange cosmos.  What annuals should I plant at the edge of the perennial bed this year?  Am thinking edibles - maybe eggplant.

Purple petunia, white nicotiana & orange cosmos. What annuals should I plant at the edge of the perennial bed this year? Am thinking edibles – maybe eggplant.

Natures garden of wild daisies

Nature’s garden of wild daisies

6 thoughts on “I must have flowers

  1. I can not imagine my world without plants that bloom and add both color and fragrance. It would be as if everyting became a black and white phtograph.


  2. I have a gorgeous orchid in front of my window that has been blooming for 3 months! It carries me until my own flowers bloom. I saw the very first snow bell yesterday dangling its creamy white blossom in the breeze. I also have more and more seed flats in my south-facing windows that are pushing up the first green stalks and leaves…. it’s coming!


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