A gourd

Painting homework assignment.  Create a background with two layers of paint.  Paint an object on top.  (Wish the photos were better.  They don’t quite capture the richness of the colors.)

I loved the greens and raspberries of this background.  The gourd needs some sort of grounding though.  It looks like it is floating.

I loved the greens and raspberries of this background. The gourd needs some sort of grounding though. It looks like it is floating.

Painted this one with just window light and a flashlight aiming light at the base.  Darkish but good practice.

Painted this one with just window light and a flashlight aiming light at the base. Darkish but good practice.

First draft in my "sketchbook".  The green & yellow background was left over paint from an old project.

First draft in my “sketchbook”. The green & yellow background was left over paint from an old project.

The pleasure is in the doing – learning to see the lights and the darks and learning how to mix color. Each project is a learning experience.

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